743 Carolyn Rd, Washington Court House, OH 43160
+1 (740) 335-8877

First Visit

What Will Happen On My First Visit?

Please assist us at the time of your initial visit to the office by providing the following information:

  • Your referral slip and x-rays from your referring dentist. (A referral from a dentist or other specialist is not required to see us, but if you have been referred, we can call and acquire current xrays and discuss their concerns so that we can more properly care for you.)
  • A list of medications you are currently taking. (*Please note that you can print your patient registration and medical history paperwork from our website, fill it out and bring it with you.  Click on the “patient registration and medical history” tab to do so.)
  • If you have dental insurance, please bring any forms or insurance cards with you to the appointment, we accept and are in network with a variety of insurance plans.

Infection Control:  We take infection control very seriously. We go above and beyond the recommended guidelines for your protection. We would be happy to discuss our protocol with you, either at your appointment or before you come in for your appointment. It is important to us that you feel safe and comfortable at your appointments.

Covid-19: Please let us know if you have been tested positive for Covid-19 or are in a high risk group. Also it is necessary that you contact us if you develop Covid-19 within 14 days after your appointment. We take the safety of our patients and staff very seriously and are doing everything in our control to protect everyone we come in contact with from this disease as well as other diseases. Please see our office protocol regarding COVID-19 to ensure that we are doing everything possible to protect you as well as our staff.

Medical and Dental History and Evaluation: We will complete an in-depth medical and dental health history and a thorough examination of your mouth to evaluate for bone loss, loose teeth, bite problems, oral cancer, TMJ disorders, and other signs of oral or periodontal disease.

Please notify the office if you have a medical condition or concern prior to your appointment (e.g. congenital heart defects, artificial heart valve or artificial joints requiring antibiotic pre-medication, severe diabetes, or hypertension) in that we may need to contact your primary care physician prior to your appointment.

All patients under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at the consultation appointment.


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