743 Carolyn Rd, Washington Court House, OH 43160
+1 (740) 335-8877


Where Are Forehead Lines?

Forehead wrinkles happen naturally and are caused by the repetitive movement of the brows during normal facial expressions and movements. Over time, this movement causes the tissue beneath the expression lines to thin which results in wrinkles remaining even when we are not performing facial expressions. Because of this, research suggests wrinkles on the forehead will appear before other areas of the face.

Forehead wrinkles stretch horizontally across your forehead above your eyes and eyebrows, and is typically the first place that you begin to see wrinkles develop as you age. Considering that we utilize the muscles in our forehead for pretty much every facial expression, it really isn’t much of a surprise that forehead wrinkles pop up first. Whether you’re smiling, frowning, or squinting, the forehead is the area primarily affected.

How Botox for the Forehead Works

Botox is an excellent choice for the softening and smoothing out of forehead lines. These horizontal wrinkles are caused by contraction of the frontalis muscle which is an elevator of the eye brow. Small injections using a very fine needle are strategically placed in the forehead, and relaxation of this muscle occurs. This results in significant improvement in forehead wrinkles. When strategically injected in the forehead, the muscles relax and lines that worsen with movement are less likely to form and the lines will soften. It is important to recognize that if the lines are present at rest, the treatment may not completely smooth these lines.

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