743 Carolyn Rd, Washington Court House, OH 43160
+1 (740) 335-8877

Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)

Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)



Platelet-Rich Fibrin therapy is an effective and cutting-edge treatment used in surgical, dental and cosmetic procedures. Historically, it’s use was available only in hospital settings, but new technology has made it possible to now be performed during outpatient treatments.

Simply put, PRF is a concentrate of your own blood containing a large number of proteins and growth factors that promotes the body’s natural healing process. By applying this concentration of platelets directly to the treatment site, repair and regeneration is significantly enhanced.

Understanding the Procedure

Preparing PRF is a safe and easy process. Prior to the procedure, a small vial of blood is drawn from the patient’s arm. This experience is similar to having a sample taken for a blood test. From there, the vial is placed in a centrifuge machine that spins to separate the PRF from the other blood components. The thick, PRF layer rich in fibrin, platelets, and growth factors is then used in conjunction with the specific needs of the patient’s procedure.

What are the benefits of using PRF?

Safe and Natural

Promotes Healing

Stimulates Tissue and Bone Regeneration

Reduced Swelling and Post Operative Discomfort

Uses in Dental Procedures:

Dental Extractions

Bone Grafting

Gingival Grafting

Dental Implants

Sinus Augmentation

Uses in Cosmetic Procedures:

Microneedling Procedure

Hair Regeneration

Acne Scars

Stretch Marks

Wrinkle Reduction




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