What is Periodontal Disease? What is Gum Disease?
Healthy gums are important for a healthy body. Periodontal (gum) diseases are serious bacterial infections or inflammatory processes that destroy the gums and supporting bone that hold the teeth in the mouth. Left untreated, periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss as well as health problems, including higher risks for heart attack, stroke, and diabetes. For more information http://www.perio.org
There are a number of different types of periodontal disease entities which require different types of treatment. This is why a specialist in periodontics is the most qualified dentist to treat the problem and develop a plan for the long term management of the disease. A leading cause of Periodontal Disease is the accumulation of dental plaque on the teeth and root surfaces. Fortunately, a daily routine of brushing, flossing, and regular dental check ups can help to prevent most periodontal problems.
Other factors that can affect the health of your gums include:
- Smoking, vaping or the use of tobacco
- Oral Piercing
- Pregnancy and Puberty
- Genetics
- Diabetes
- Stress
- Medications
- Clenching or Grinding Your Teeth
- Poor Nutrition
- Systemic Health Conditions
Smoking and Periodontal Disease
Everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health. But did you also know that smoking is a major contributor to gum disease? In fact, all forms of tobacco can adversely affect the health of your teeth, gums and jawbone including cigars, vaping, snuff, smokeless tobacco, and hookah pipes. https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/tips/diseases/periodontal-gum-disease.html
Tobacco use has been shown to cause the following:
- Increases the risk for oral cancer
- Increases the risk for gum disease
- Increases the risk for gum recession which can lead to tooth loss and root decay
- Decrease rate of healing following oral and periodontal surgical procedures
- Increased tartar development requiring more frequent and deeper cleanings
- And other systemic diseases https://www.prosthodontics.org/assets/1/7/17.Tobacco_Use_and_Oral_Health.pdf
The Importance of Good Oral Hygiene
The best way to prevent cavities and Periodontal Disease (gum disease) is by good tooth brushing and flossing techniques performed daily, as well as routine dental cleanings with your periodontist, dentist or hygienist. For many adults however, this isn’t enough; in fact, more people over the age of 35 lose teeth because of gum disease than because of cavities. Moreover, 70% of all adults over the age of 65 will be affected by gum disease at some point in their life. https://www.perio.org/newsroom/periodontal-disease-fact-sheet
Both gum disease and tooth decay can develop because of bacteria (dental plaque). Plaque (dental bacteria) is a colorless film that is constantly accumulating on your teeth, at the gum line, and below the gum line. The best way to combat this cumulative build up, and help prevent periodontal disease, is to regularly brush and floss. If plaque remains on your teeth however, it will turn into calculus (tartar) and will require removal by a dentist or hygienist. https://crest.com/en-us/oral-health/conditions/tartar-plaque/plaque-tartar-causes-prevention-removal
Periodontal Disease: What You Should Know
Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is one of the most common bacterial infections today. More than 70% of North Americans over 65 years of age have some form of periodontal disease. https://www.cdc.gov/oralhealth/conditions/periodontal-disease.html
Although many are infected, few know they actually have the disease. In a recent study, 8 out of 10 people surveyed believed they did not have periodontal disease and 7 out of 10 exhibited one or more symptoms. This is most likely because they were unaware of the symptoms. https://fightgumdisease.com/10-astonishing-facts-gum-disease-can-change-life/
Periodontal diseases can be painless until they reach an advanced stage.
If left untreated, periodontal diseases can result in:
- Red, swollen and bleeding gums
- Halitosis (Bad Breath)
- Loose and shifting teeth
- Gum recession
- Bone Loss
- Tooth Loss
- Increased Risk of Systemic Health Problems
In addition, uncontrolled periodontal disease has been linked to increased risk of developing heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, certain types of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, ED and pre-term low birth weight infants for expecting mothers. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5426403/ Therefore, treating periodontal disease is a necessary component to keep your body healthy. Your health is important to us, let us help you achieve your optimal oral health! https://www.adha.org/resources-docs/7228_Oral_Health_Total.pdf

Periodontal diseases are the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. Luckily, periodontal diseases are some of the most preventable diseases which is why it’s important to visit your Periodontist and dentist regularly. https://www.nidcr.nih.gov/research/data-statistics/periodontal-disease