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8 Ways to Soothe Your Stress and Stop Grinding Your Teeth

8 Ways to Soothe Your Stress and Stop Grinding Your Teeth

8 Ways to Soothe Your Stress and Stop Grinding Your Teeth!

Also known as bruxism, teeth grinding is a dental disorder that can affect almost anyone. Not only is bruxism annoying, but it can also cause major damage to your teeth and jaw. These days, there are many treatment options to help those suffering from bruxism, including mouth guards, occlusal adjustment and Botox. However, these treatments may not be enough, and many people will still grind their teeth throughout the day and night.

To get to the root of bruxism, you need to address the underlying cause. For most people, that’s stress. Clenching your jaw and grinding your teeth are subconscious habits that kickstart as soon as things get stressful. To cope with stress and prevent unconscious grinding, it’s good to learn stress-reduction techniques. Here are eight to get you started.

  1. Take a “mindful minute.” During a “mindful minute,” do your best to focus on the present moment. You can do this through breathing techniques, meditation or yoga. Studies show that practicing mindfulness can help improve mood and reduce stress.
  2. Do breathing exercises. This goes hand-in-hand with meditation, as both involve concentrating on the breath. One of the most popular breathing exercises has you breathing in through the nose for four counts, holding the breath for four counts, then breathing out for eight counts.
  3. Stretch out your jaw. Stretching your jaw from time to time helps relax facial muscles and maintain jaw alignment. A good exercise to perform involves touching your front teeth with your tongue while opening the mouth wide. You might also try saying the letter “N” out loud, keeping your bottom and top teeth from touching one another.
  4. Drink some water. Drinking more water throughout the day is a great way to reduce stress. When your system hasn’t had enough water, it will feel It’s that simple! On average, it’s recommended that men drink around 15 cups of water a day; women should drink around 11 cups.
  5. Talk through your stress. Consider seeing a therapist or even talking to a close friend or family member. Talking through the things that stress you out can help you better understand them. With a better understanding of the stressors in your life, it’s often easier to move past them.
  6. Exercise. Not only is routine exercise great for physical health, it’s also one of the best ways to reduce stress. Getting the right amount of exercise helps boost the production of endorphins, which are effective in reducing pain and increasing pleasure. Exercise also helps you sleep, which is essential in reducing stress.
  7. Try to meditate. Meditation is a powerful tool for those suffering from stress. It doesn’t always have to involve sitting on the floor in a cross-legged position. You could easily mediate for a minute while at your desk at work or in a waiting room. Simply close your eyes and concentrate on breathing. You may also want to download a meditation app.
  8. Get a bite guard. As mentioned above, bite guards are one of the most effective inhibitors of teeth grinding. Bite guards create a layer of protection between your top and bottom teeth, preventing them from grinding.
  9. Botulinum Toxin. Relaxing your masseter muscles with injections will not allow the muscles to contract as tightly which may also help with headaches.

If you suffer from bruxism, reducing your stress levels can help control the condition. Controlling stress isn’t ever easy at first, but through practice, your stress levels will become lower over time – which means less grinding wear and tear on your pearly whites!  Dr. Lori will be happy to help with Botox treatment or a bite guard.

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